Woodside Park is top of the pile for Tesco’s Bags of Help Scheme


We are delighted that Woodside Park Residents Association has been awarded the top amount of £12,000 for the proposed trim trail at Riverside Park under the Tescos Bags of help scheme.

A big thank-you to everyone who helped with the little red tokens which were required to build up support for the scheme.

The Council has some work to do at Riverside Park including re-laying and redefining the pathway beside Dollis Brook and rebuilding banks to the brook which have partially collapsed after the immense rainfall we have experienced over the past six to eight months. In addition, the Council will be moving the zip wire to a less squelchy position and installing some land drainage. When this has all been carried out we will be able to install the new trim trail and we hope that this will be ready by September 2016.

The final piece of the jigsaw will be an adult gym to be installed next to the pathway. It’s all very well for the children to stay trim but the adults need to stay trim it as well!!


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