Blog from the Chairman – a personal view


19th September 2017

The AGM and Woodsider Party was held on 6th September 2017 at Old Finchleians Clubhouse in Southover.  It was reasonably well attended by 38 people including our MP Theresa Villiers and Councillor Caroline Stock.

The Chairman gave his report of the Association’s activities during the year which included monitoring planning applications. The Association has objected to applications that include an additional house on the same plot, a conversion into flats or where basements are proposed.  The Committee continues to monitor the ever-creeping Controlled Parking Zones, traffic, graffiti, vandalism,  green spaces and the state of local parks and pavements. We are still waiting for the Council to put double yellow lines around Sussex Ring.  It has been promised but has still not occurred.

The website is now two years old and is being kept up to date. It is intended to place all future planning applications on the site.

The Riverside Park trim trail, multi-sports court and children’s playground are now completed. Tescos contributed £12,000 towards this, the Association contributed £6,000 and the Council the remainder.  The path next to Dollis Brook has not yet been repaired.

Due to lack of committee members and volunteers, the Committee to the Association has found it necessary to cut back on activities. It will concentrate on keeping the website up to date.  It is a sad reflection of the times when the Association has to become more digital and less personal.

Various members of the committee are standing down this year and tonight will be the last Woodsider Party for the foreseeable future.  It is not intended that subscriptions will be collected next year and any future income will be made from advertising on the website. The Woodsider newsletter will be reduced to two per annum.  The carol singing will be retained however.

These proposals could change if more people should put themselves forward to join the committee.

Thanks are due to our committee and others for organising the Woodsider Party and AGM. Our thanks also go to John Bowra of the Old Finchleians Club for allowing us to use the Clubhouse. It was an enjoyable evening complete with a cabaret act in the form of a magician/clown ably acted out by Colin Francomb.

The 2016 Christmas carol singing was very well attended with nearly hundred people in attendance on an afternoon which stayed fine and dry.  The Vero Café was a great help to provide coffee and drinks and some lighting.

The Treasurer reported a net surplus for the year of £15.09.


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